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Cumnor Hill, أكسفورد, إنكلترا, OX2

2016-12-08 00:00:00
رقم العقار: REF198791
365,000 £
عدد الغرف 2
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تفاصيل المكان
عنوان المنطقة/الشارع
Cumnor Hill
تاريخ النشر
معلومات اضافية
رقم العقار
عنوان الإعلان
Cumnor Hill, Oxford OX2
وصف العقار
Property Descriptioncall now to register interest. Situated on the ground floor, this apartment has two bedrooms, en suite and private rear garden.Property Detailsinformation:An attractive development of five one and two bedroom apartments, built to a high standard and set in its own mature gardens at the foot of Cumnor Hill. This two bedroom apartment has an ensuite shower; there is allocated parking for each property and the ground floor apartments have the luxury of a private terrace and garden.Cumnor Hill is one of the best addresses in West Oxford:A pleasant, leafy area that is well located for both Oxfords stations and the city centre and also close to the rolling countryside of the Vale of White Horse. West Way shopping centre is due for major redevelopment in the next few years, bringing much improved facilities and shopping to the area.
عدد الغرف
  • 3018 عرض
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