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Ardgowan Square, Greenock, Scotland, PA16

2017-08-23 00:00:00
Reference number: REF158830
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Ardgowan Square
Aug 23, 2017
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The Mansion House, 1, Ardgowan Square, Greenock PA16
Prime development opportunity\"The Mansion House\" 1 Ardgowan Square, Greenock is possibly Inverclyde\'s most prestigious address, occupying an imposing corner site overlooking the tree-lined grounds of the local tennis and bowling clubs in the desirable west end of the town. Designed for Sir Michael Robert Shaw Stewart by Sir Robert Rowand Anderson frse rsa one of Scotland\'s foremost Victorian architects and built circa 1886 the historical and architectural significance of this magnificent Grade B listed building today provide a superb and quite unique development opportunity with the potential for the creation of luxury dwelling houses, superior office accommodation or a combination of both.Local authority and other consentsWhile The Mansion House currently has a commercial use and houses three local businesses it is anticipated that offers will be subject to the necessary local authority consents being obtained for the purchasers\' preferred development. Following on lengthy consultations on behalf of the sellers by local Chartered Architects Canata and Seggie with Inverclyde Council Planning, Inverclyde Council Roads and Historic Environment Scotland and the submission of detailed drawings prepared by Canata and Seggie, Inverclyde Council Planning has already confirmed that it will support the principle of The Mansion House, and also the adjacent Stables, being converted to form:1 No. One-Bed Flat.2 No. Two-Bed Flats.4 No. Three-Bed Flats.1 No. Two-Bed Detached House (The Stables, no drawing)15 rear court off-street parking spaces.A PDF package containing copies of these drawings and of correspondence with Planning, Roads and Historic Environment Scotland confirming their in-principle support for the conversion will be made available, on request, to the legal representatives acting for potential purchasers. Canata and Seggie will if required be happy to discuss with potential purchasers any technical issues or queries arising from perusal of this documentation including the possibility of amending the drawings to suit their own requirements.The stablesAlthough not included in the drawings produced to Inverclyde Council Planning the former stable block in the cobbled rear courtyard is available to form part of the sale if the purchasers wish, but this is not essential. This building was converted from its original use to commercial premises some years ago but with a floor area of approximately 91 square meters it has the potential to be developed as a separate, detached dwelling house either as part of the development of The Mansion House or on a stand-alone basis. The purchasers might also wish to retain the current commercial use and acquire it as a rental investment, the building having initially been converted for use as a children\'s nursery and then leased out for several years as office premises to an it company. Details of the rental income previously obtained for this building will be made available to potential purchasers on request.ParkingThe drawings already produced to ic Planning provide for the formation of car parking spaces in the cobbled rear courtyard . Access to the courtyard and The Stables is taken from Patrick Street, as is access to the rear entrance to The Mansion House.Existing layout (The Mansion House)Lower ground floor7 x store rooms, 3 bedroom apartment with lounge, kitchen and bathroom.Ground floor8 x office areas, stairwell, entrance foyer, turret room, reception area, ladies and gents toilets.First floor6 x office areas, safe room, waiting area, kitchen, store, ladies and gents toiletsexisting layout (The Stables)3 x office areas, ladies and gents and disabled access toilets, kitchen, external insecure store.For further information please request a copy of our schedule.You may download, store and use the material for your own personal use and research. You may not republish, retransmit, redistribute or otherwise make the material available to any party or make the same available on any website, online service or bulletin board of your own or of any other party or make the same available in hard copy or in any other media without the website owner\'s express prior written consent. The website owner\'s copyright must remain on all reproductions of material taken from this website.
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